3000 Market Street NE, Suite 266
Tel: 503-584-1620

Diversified Technique / Manual Manipulation
The term “Chiropractic” comes from the Greek word Chiropraktikos, meaning “done by hand.” The Diversified technique is still the most common chiropractic treatment. Using this technique, chiropractors improve function, restore movement, and decrease pain. It is well documented that manual adjustments help relieve neck and back pain. Since the Diversified technique is a manual therapy, no instruments are used to perform the manipulation.

Instrument Adjusting
The Impulse Adjusting Instrument is a hand-held instrument that delivers a high-speed, gentle, and very specific impulse to the spine, extremities, and/or cranium in order to correct muscle and joint dysfunctions. This tool gives us the ability to work with patients who may be nervous about traditional chiropractic adjustments, those who may be in acute pain, those who have a condition that makes manual adjusting inapropriate, or those who simply prefer instrument adjusting.

Myofascial Release
Myofascia is connective tissue found in and around muscles. When the fascial system is restricted, it leads to less lubrication for the soft tissue and myofascial structures resulting in adhesions, scar tissue, and dysfunction. The importance of myofascial release therapy is often overlooked but is absolutely necessary to help correct muscle imbalances, improve ranges of motion, and decrease recovery time. Myofascial release can be performed by hand or with the use of tools and specific technique systems.

Therapeutic Exercise
Whether it's stretching techniques used for relief of tight muscles and improving range of motion or strengthening techniques for increasing stability and improving function, our treatment plans will provide you with the tools necessary to ensure you get the most out of your in office care by supporting it with personalized home care.

Therapeutic Massage
Therapeutic Massage can play a crucial role in recovering from injuries as well as maintaining overall health. Massage may improve relaxation, reduce stress, improve range of motion, reduce muscle pain, lower blood pressure, relieve headaches, improve breathing, as well as many other health benefits.